Monday, October 17, 2011


James 1:27 says, "Religion that God our Father considers pure and faultless is this:  taking care of widows and orphans in their distress, and keeping yourself from being polluted by the world."  On the surface, this couldn't be clearer:  God is less impressed by what we often consider "religious" than by three distinct things.  Unfortunately, HOW to act on this revelation is rarely as clear as the statement itself.  Here are some of my thoughts in my own order, and I'd love to see your responses.

Keeping yourself from being polluted by the world
I believe this is more about us remaining pure in the midst of a polluted world, rather than forcing the world to stop trying to polite us.  It seems like Christianity at large has gotten this backwards, and this has hurt us.  But that's a whole other blog...

Ultimately, I believe remaining unpolluted requires constantly, intentionally, proactively filling our lives and hearts and minds with what is pure (see Philippians 4:8).  It also requires not filling our minds with what is bad, what drags us down, what twists and morphs the truth within us.  Again, I don't believe it does much good to spend our energy on protesting these things--just avoiding them and focusing on the good.  And speaking of the good...

Taking care of their distress
In modern America, so many men have dropped the ball as fathers, husbands, grandfathers, boyfriends, and authorities that most American women have been left without any kind of positive male influences.  Obviously, applying this verse has to include reaching out to women who's husbands have died and left them in need, but I believe it's much broader, now, as well.  Perhaps women who are in distressed because of abuse, abandonment, divorce, etc. are also "widows" we should be reaching?

Taking care of...orphans in their distress
Perhaps, using the logic above, some kids with only one parent or two absent or abusive parents are now part of this category in God's mind.  Obviously, it's a good thing to reach out to them, but let me end with where I'm really struggling and praying for God's leading and provision, right now

Kim and I have such a burden for actual orphans--especially the so-called "slum dogs" of India--that we are seriously pursuing adopting one of them.  This has everything to do with acknowledging the undeniable need and acting on this clear window into God's heart--not a perceived need on our part.  In fact, with four boys of our own and a growing youth group I love and feel like are "mine", we feel really blessed and occasionally overwhelmed as it is.  But I don't see an out, here.  No disclaimers.  No "unless you already have..." or "...but of course, this does not apply if you..."  I only see the clear presentation of  some of God's own core values and the huge need in the world.

Please pray for us as we pursue this.  Maybe God has something even bigger in mind than adding one child to our family.  Maybe He wants YOU to add a child to your family!  But until He slams this door and throws another open, this is where we're heading.